jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016

Z Fish Report (8/25/16)

Offshore (average) surface water temperature - Includes from the 5-6 mile mark at the 100 fathom line, on out to about 50 miles with the 1,000 fathom line being at 32 miles: 89°
Inshore (average) surface temperature. From the beach to about 5 miles: 89°
Blue water: Is about three miles off the beach. (Chlorophyll amounts and surface temps from Terrafin SST)
Offshore- Coming out of the full moon phase (Friday of last week), the sailfish action slowed, but we are again averaging 2-3 fish raised to the boat and about 1 or 2 hooked per boat per day.
With very warm surface temperatures, we have had very little rain to cool things down. August through October is our slowest time of the year for vacationers, and this has been a typical year. Very few boats are on the water.
There are still very few dorado. The yellowfin tuna have moved out of range for the day sport fishing fleet.
Inshore: Again, very few clients and very warm water. A few roosters are being taken, but clear water along the beach hurts the roosterfish bite. They are just too smart for us to fool them in clear water.

Ed Kunze                                                                         

 (Director of the Roosterfish Foundation, IGFA Representative)


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